Koz McRae Surfing Boards

Shaped & Designed by Koz McRae

“The harder you work the luckier you get” ~ Dad


Proud Third generation Santa Barbara Native, the making and building of surf craft has always been part of my life in different ways. My uncle shaped for a lot of years and my neighbor was good buds with Greenough. George was always over at his house, I watched them build a boat in his driveway from start to finish.

My dad has always had a board strapped to the roof of his work truck and has always lived in that same mindset of building it before you buy it and that’s been very much ingrained in me since day one. It’s also been my approach to shaping surfboards. I enjoy the process of designing something over and over in my mind, making it and then testing it and sharing it with others if it works.

Koz McRae Surfing Boards Aesthetic

My influence comes from everything past and present. Like old record albums, vintage cars or boats, artists, clothing, vintage cool, sports, I mean there’s aesthetic style and influence everywhere and I pull from all of it, not just the surfing world.


I’ve been getting a lot of good waves on my 7’6 Stringerless Mistress this last year. Super versatile, it surfs points, reefs, beach breaks. It really checks all the boxes for me, easy paddle, fast, turns great for a board that size. Just a fun surf every time.


Catching early winter morning peeler with my dad in the cove at Campus point.

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