**contact us for trade in options**

At Surfbored, we aim to offer a diverse selection of curated craft, including new or used surfboards that meet our quality standards for resale. Our marketplace surfboards usually come from selected trade-ins on new or used boards and also demo stock used for promotional purposes. We offer trade-ins for store credit or sell boards on consignment. Contact us if you want to sell a board through Surfbored or trade in for store credit towards a new purchase.


If interested in purchasing a used board, please reach out to us through our contact form below, make sure to select the board you're interested in.

Rocket Pin Rocket Pin Rocket Pin

Russell | 6'0" Rocket Pin Clear Used Surfboard

6'0" - 2+1 Futures

Condition: 5 out of 5

Board is like new. Has griptalyte deck patch, can be removed. Surf as single, twin or 2+1.

Channel Single Channel Single Channel Single Channel Single Channel Single

Christian Beamish | 9'1" Channel Single Clear Used Surfboard

9'1" - Single Fin Single Box

Condition: 4 out of 5

This board is like new. Been in storage. Dims 9'1" x 20 1/8" x 3 1/4".

Double Duece Pig Craftsman Double Duece Pig Craftsman Double Duece Pig Craftsman Double Duece Pig Craftsman

Tyler Hatzikian | 9'4" Double Duece Pig Craftsman Blue Used Surfboard

9'4" x 23.0" x 3.0" - Single Fin Single Box

Condition: 5 out of 5

This board can pass as off the shelf. No pressures or scratches. Flawless with glassed on D Fin. Tyler made start to finish.

Dream Fish Quad Dream Fish Quad Dream Fish Quad

Tyler Warren | 6'5" Dream Fish Quad Mauve Used Surfboard

6'5" - Quad Fin Glass-On

Condition: 3 out of 5

Board has pressures and 1 repair. Ripper for all conditions with glass on marine ply quads. Great allrounder.

Egg Thuster Egg Thuster Egg Thuster Egg Thuster

Kris Hall | 8'0" Egg Thuster Clear Used Surfboard

8'0" - Thruster Futures

Condition: 3 out of 5

Good condition with minor repair work. Great paddler, minimal pressures.

Gothic Dolphins Gothic Dolphins Gothic Dolphins Gothic Dolphins Gothic Dolphins

CRIME Surfboards | 6'6" Gothic Dolphins Black Used Surfboard

6'6" x 21.75" x 2.85" - 2+1 Single Box

Condition: 5 out of 5

Board is like new. 6'6'' x 21.75'' x 2.85'' x 45.0L

Heart Ache Heart Ache Heart Ache Heart Ache

Eagle Sword | 6'6" Heart Ache Clear Volan Used Surfboard

6'6" - Single Fin Single Box

Condition: 3 out of 5

Downrail Egg by Ash Ward from Australia. Bladed throughout with knifey rails. Superb daily driver single fin. Has pressure on rail. Volan wrapped.

Jazz Pin Jazz Pin Jazz Pin Jazz Pin Jazz Pin

Kris Hall | 9'4" Jazz Pin Yellow Used Surfboard

9'4" x 23.0" x 3.0" - Single Fin Single Box

Condition: 3 out of 5

This board was used for a trip. In good condition with a few minor glass shatters from traveling. Water tight.

Midzr Midzr Midzr Midzr

Derrick Disney | 7'1" Midzr Lime Green Used Surfboard

7'1" - Twinzer Glass-On

Condition: 4 out of 5



Gary McNeill | 5'11" RTT Abstract Used Surfboard

5'11" x 20.0" x 2.5" - Thruster Futures

Condition: 4 out of 5

In great condition. This is the original Rasta Torus Twin shape for Dave Rastovich.

The Aussie V The Aussie V The Aussie V The Aussie V The Aussie V

Roger Hinds | 6'2" The Aussie V Clear Abstract Used Surfboard

6'2" - Single Fin Single Box

Condition: 5 out of 5

Like new, excellent condition.

V Machine V Machine V Machine

Stoker | 7'0" V Machine Clear Used Surfboard

7'0"x 3.0" - Thruster Futures

Condition: 3 out of 5